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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • I don't cover my profile when taking pictures anymore :)
  • 2022-12-16 hit.14,876
  • Writer : CHOI

Reason for Surgery and why I chose EU

​I went to the dentist since I was a student due to malocclusion and they told me I was a double jaw surgery case. At the time, I was afraid of surgery so I only did braces, which meant that even though I was done with my orthodontic treatment, I wasn't satisfied with my appearance. I was looking into genioplasty, but heard that genioplasty on its own would not be effective, which made me decide to get double jaw surgery. I chose EU due to the reviews I saw. There were many different cases, but above all I noticed that after surgery, the patients looks natural as though they did not undergo surgery. This is why I chose EU.

Day of the surgery

The surgery was over when I closed and reopened my eyes, but the problem was after the surgery. I didn't know what people meant when they said it would be difficult to breathe after the surgery, but I was able to experience it firstahnd... It was very difficult to breathe but there was not much that could be done so it was hell.


2 days post-op

The catheter and nasal tube was removed in the morning, so it was even more difficult to breathe. I couldn't even think about eating because I was so focused on trying to breathe. I think this was the toughest day.


3 days post-op

I was discharged today but it was still so difficult to breathe at home. It was very tough trying to take medications and drink Nucare when I coudln't breathe.


5 days post-op

Compared to immediately after the surgery, I can feel that it's definitely getting easier little by little. Breating is just... occasionally difficult? The area where the stitches are located is a bit tight and it's difficult to eat.


7 days post-op

I tried soup for the first time after surgery... I thought it would be easy because it was watery, but it was more difficult than I thought it would be :( But still it was the most filling meal compared to anything else I've tried so far. Other than that, I blended up a banana and drank sikhye as well.


12 days post-op

It's easy to breathe now and although I sleep on a slightly higher pillow than i did before the surgery, it's pretty much the same as lying down completely. Eating is so annoying and I'm sick of everything so I've just been drinking Nucare. I want to remove the intraoral fixation and eat something :(


15 days post-op

I went to eu to remove my stitches. I heard that stitch removal is painful so I was nervous, but maybe because the inside of my mouth is still numb, it wasn't painful at all and we were done very quickly. Also for the next 5-6 days, I was told to continue wearing the wafer except when I am eating. I can finally eat and brush my teeth :') 

17 days post-op

I made some risotto. I'm not supposed to chew, so I squashed it up against the roof of my mouth but just the fact that I can eat food again makes me so relieved :') I dunked some castella in milk for dessert and it was so good. Some people said that they noticed most of their swelling was gone by the 2 week mark, but I think my swelling is dissipating extremely slowly.


19 days post-op

I can fit about 2 fingers in my mouth now. I've mainliy been eating meatballs, soup dumplings, steamed buns, and steamed eggs. I will be going back to eu tomorrow to check my bite so I hope there are no issues!


20 days post-op

The doctor said my bite looks good. I can now remove the wafer 3 times a day for 2 hours at a time! I will have to do the jaw exercises diligently.


23 days post-op

Whenever I do the jaw exercises, my cheekbones feel tight. The screws in my gums feel like they're pressing up against my gums so it hurts :( Also my swelling is going down too slowly... I was told that most of the swelling would be gone by the 1 month mark but I'm not so sure...


25 days post-op

The swelling is pretty much the same. I've been mainly eating rice and soup or dunking bread in milk.

27 days post-op

The screws are rubbing up against the inside of my lips so it hurts when I smile or do the jaw exercises :( I hope the swelling in my cheeks goes away soon.


29 days post-op

I will go to eu next week- I hope I will be able to keep the wafer off for longer :( The swelling is going down very slowly.

31 days post-op

I didn't know the wafer would be removed completely by this point. All 8 screws were also removed. I am allowed to chew soft foods now :)


35 days post-op

Aside from my lower jaw feeling stiff, I don't have a lot of complaints. I ate raw salmon with rice because I'm allowed to chew now. It was very soft, so it was easy to eat.


41 days post-op

The swelling is going down, but it seems like the front of my cheek and the philtrum will take a long time. I've been very cautiously eating chicken leg meat and it's so good lol


45 days post-op

I think the main swelling is mostly gone now, but I have residual swelling in the philtrum and cheeks so I look somewhat awkard. I wonder if I will look very different if this swelling also goes away.

50 days post-op

Aside from the tightness in the area where the stitches were, I don't have any complaints. I've been eating rice and noodles pretty freely and avoiding hard foods.

56 days post-op

I think the swelling in the left and right cheeks are dissipating at different rates. I am swollen a lot in the morning but I look pretty normal at night lol 


60 days post-op

The right side is more swollen as it has been for the past few weeks lol would the residual swelling be gone by the 3 month mark..?


65 days post-op

I've been eating well so I've been regaining the weight that I lost from the days immediately following surgery I should slow down lol


70 days post-op

The front of my chin is tingly and tight, I'm not sure but I think the sensations are returning to that area. The roof of my mouth is still quite numb but I think it's recovering as well.


80 days post-op

The area where the stitches were feels tight when I wake up in the morning, but other than that I have no complaints. I still can't eat hard foods, but I'm eating whatever I want besides that.

126 days post-op

The swelling is continuing to dissipate but I don't really pay attention anymore lol. After the 3 month check-up I've been eating most things except for things like dried squid.

156 days post-op

Asides from the tightness around the chin where the stitches were, my day to day life is pretty normal. The swelling continues to go down ltitle by little, but because I see myself every day I can't really tell.

196 days post-op

It's been 6 months now. Most of the swelling is gone but when I wake up in the morning, the philtrum and nose feels slightly swollen. The feeling in my chin is fully recovered and the roof of the mouth isn't fully recovered but it's almost there :)

239 days post-op

Not much has occured since the last update. I had marinated crab not too long ago and it was a bit hard, but I was able to finish it :)

325 days post-op

12 months post-op

The sensations are mostly back to normal, but part of the upper gums is still a bit dull. I have no issues eating or in my day to day life, so I think it's fine. I used to cover the side of my face before the surgery, but I noticed that I don't do that anymore hehe

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